Sunday, July 30, 2006

And what a begining it was....!!!

Hello everybody!!
I write this post as i'm sitting in pain infront of my computer! it feels like a train ran over me, not once but twice and came back for a third time! :)
We lost against auckland yesterday 41-10, but the scoreline is not a real indication of how things went. It was a tough encounter and both teams played good rugby. At the end of the day it all came down to experience i would say. We had as much, if not more, scoring opportunities, but wrong decision making at crucial times cost us at the end. I was just happy that we proved the rugby public in NZ wrong. 99% of the people said that we are not good enough to play at this level and that the team are gonna recieve a big hiding from the NPC Champions of last year. We proved them wrong!
We have a bye this coming w-end and the following w-end we off to Blenheim, on the South Island. We play against a new team in the competition. It's 2 provinces, that played in the 2nd div last year, that melted together, so its gonna be a difficult one, but its all bout the process and not the end result. As long as we improve each week, i see us winnning the competition in 2008!
Not much news otherwise!
Hope you all have a blessed week!
Those who know me, let me hear from you, it's getting lonely on the FAR side of the earth!

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