Friday, August 04, 2006

And down comes the rain!

Hello everyone!
So let me be honest. I dont see this blog as a blog anymore, cause it feels like i'm doing this all just for myself. i dont get anyone to write comments, no one emails me and ask me bout stuff in the blog or regarding me and its starting to feel like an online diary, rather than a webpage i use to reach family and friends!
So until further notice, this blog page will contain no more post's, photo's or information. I will keep it all to myself and if you wanne know anything, ask and you shall be given!
hope all is well!
and no, i didnt take a hard knock against my head this past saturday, it's just how things are gonna be from now on!
i'm still the same old same!


Anonymous said...

jinne ma jys kwaai nè!! jou mos lankal gese ek lees die ding gereeld ek weet net nie wat om terug te skryf nie. Jy weet mos al teen die tyd ek nie goed met die woorde nie!!! wat nog te se van website wa almal kan sien wat ek skryf!!! hou aan met die ding ek wil weet wat jy doen en die fotos sien!!! lekker naweek Jaco

Anonymous said...

Hello my love! O you sound funny when you trying to be angry.. :) I always write to you...keep up the blog its so fun, interesting and great to hear about you and what God is doing in your life!!! Enjoy your weekend! Love you so much! Mwah! Love your girl xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Bertus,my name is Bob Hanrahan.I am your cousin Tanya`s father-in-law so share grandfathers`rights with Aubrey to her 3 kids. I am the one they get their good looks from. Yea right!I am a rugby nut from away back and played most of my rugby in Central Otago in the 1950`s so being a Bok you probably don`t remember that era. I hope you don`t give up on your weekly report as I have been really interested in reading about your adjustment to a new way of life, taking on the challengers of a professional player and the differences in coaching methods. I was pretty impressed by the way you played against Auckland and the combination you loosies showed. This week against Tasman should show where you are at and with a hard game last week, they may not be able to come back from a real hard first 20 minutes.TAB odds are against you so I think you are a good bet. I like the new provincial set-up and think that in a couple of years when the salary cap kicks in the overall standard of NZ rugby will only improve. All the very best for the rest of the season, and looking forward to future reports. Bob.