Thursday, July 20, 2006

A New Begining......

The above heading for this post is part of the new Air New Zealand Cup slogan and for a part of me it's also a new begining. It was quite a journey to get here at this specific stage in my life and alot of sacrifices were made along the way. I trust the Lord that this will be all for a better "me" and I walk this next part of the journey with absolute faith in Him.
The team for this saturday will only be announced on thursday, so untill then it's training hard and putting it all in. I am looking forward to competing against the best there is in NZ and just going out and doing all the new stuff i've learned!
So this past w-end i went down to go watch the Boks play the All Blacks at the Cake Tin in Wellington. Quite a few of my friends played for the Boks and i spent some time with them after the game and it was good to catch up on some news from home. The sunday a few of us went along the harbour and had lunch together and after that myself, meyer and albert went to the Te Papa Museum. It's one of the bigger museums i've seen in my life and it was nice just walking through and having a look at some of the stuff! There was also an exclusive exhibition of "The Lord Of The Rings" movie. They showed all the clothes and stuff that were used in the movie and also videos of how the produced some of the parts of the film. It was very interesting and something different, it's a pity no photo's were allowed to be taken, although there was a sneaky photographer in our midst that got to take one, wont mention any names though, what happened in the museum, stays in the museum! :) After the trip through the museum, us 3 played some cards at a coffee shop inside the museum while having a coffee and chocolate brownie! Very relaxing and just something different than the usual.

My sincere apologies for not posting some news recently, but time management was crucial the last 10 days and i just couldnt spent that much time infront of the computer when i needed some sleep and recovery time badly! Hope the pictures make up for it all!

Just something that i got from a good friend of mine is the following:
It took God a week to create the earth, sun, stars, jupiter, mars, etc.
God is still working on you and me. How much more special must we be if He has already worked our whole life on us and will never stop working on us and our perfection!

You all have a blessed week!

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