Sunday, July 09, 2006

3 weeks and counting!

It's 3 weeks till our first game in the NPC, or the Air New Zealand Cup, and i cant wait for it to start! We dont know the final squad yet, but this coming friday we play against Hawke's Bay, which is also our last pre-season game, so i would think that the team playing will be the one he would like to use in the first game against Auckland, giving that the team perform. nothing I can do untill then, except training hard and giving it my best shot!

We've had another long and tough week on the training pitch and yesterday finished the week off with an 2 and a half hour training session and 30min of swimming afterwards. They wanted the training to be as identical to an NPC games as possible and it was a combination of fitness, contact drills and defense for the duration of training. Lots of fun down under i tell you!
This morning we had an extra optional "stairs session" where you climb 84 stairs up and down every 2 minutes, we did 25 sets, and after yesterday the legs were quite heavy, but as a good friend of mine once told me: "There is never a crowd on the extra mile" , so even if you tired, no one but you will know how much "extra" you've put in!

We have tomorrow off and i need to do some house chores, analytical work at the union about our last game and then i will treat myself to the latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

You all have a good and blessed week and remember John 10:10 "...Jesus came so that we can have life and life in abundance!"


Anonymous said...

Hi Bertus - it's Tom here in sunny Auckland. A friend told me once of how all South Africans look so similar. Well now I believe him - the resemblence between you and Leon Lubbe is amazing...see story at,2106,3728347a6409,00.html

sweet as bro...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, click here for the story

Anonymous said...

hello tom!
ya, they put the wrong picture at thw wrong article! dont mind the extra publicity though! haha!
cheers bertus

Anonymous said...

Hello my love!
I went on and looked at your pic...heee heee! Was great to see you training so hard.. Wheres the new post? Whats happening with the NPC? Love you so much! Love your girl xxx