Monday, June 19, 2006

Rain, rain, rain and then again......rain!

So it's been raining on and off here for the last week or so. All the public parks and fields in palmy has been closed off and the Arena (thats the place where we train and the stadium is) has also been closed off and we not allowed to train there. They dont want the grass to get damaged. So we training out at Massey University, at IRANZ (International Rugby Academy) and they have an indoor training hall, indoor scrum machine and their fields are also very well drained (dunno if thats the right word) so when we need to do team runs, we do that outside. But it's been fun and the last week were such a learnin curve. I think i mentioned in the previous blog a guy named jono philips. He's the skills coach for the hurricanes, i've learned more with him in 3 sessions bout certain aspects of the game then I have in the last few years. They give some much attention to the small, technical things of the game and they drill it into you untill it becomes second nature. We are playing wairarapa busch (2nd div provincial team) this coming wednesday, and i am looking forward to implementing some of the stuff i've learned.
My ribs are still not a 100% but i know things will go well on wednesday and wont have a problem with it. At the moment i'm playing blindside flank, which i dont mind, as long as i stay in the starting line up. Here they give you a list of things they expect from you in your specified position and you better be able to tick all of them off after each game, cause that's the only way you (and they) judge yourself and also improve as a player.
On friday nite at church we had a speaker from was this a good service. it was also the term's big "music" evening and it totally rocked! He delivered such a good message and the whole evening the auditorium had this atmosphere that was just so awesome! If that was so good I cant wait to go to the Hillsong Mens Conference at the end of the year in Sydney, i think that will be one unbelievable, great experience!
This coming w-end my club has a 70's theme party at our club house, which is a hotel by the way, named the Cobb & Co. I need to go find me some 70's clothing so if any of your old fellas have some ideas, please leave it in a comment on the site at the bottom of this post!
Hope you all are well! Enjoy yr week and's a blessing to be alive and you can see the fingerprints of our Creator all around you!

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