Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Okay, so it's finally getting colder here in NZ and i can tell you it's absolutely freezing cold. Hope you can see the thick layer of frost on my car. Last night after training (at bout 8pm) there were alreay some frost partially on the windows and this morning everything were completly frosted. The door handle, all the windows and even my elec windows didnt wanne go down when i pushed the button, thats how cold it was here!

Now the big news...!! Our head coach, charlie mcallister resigned/was fired last week over some issues (stuff that happened earlier this year and that was still ongoing). It was kinda weird being in the same situation two years in a row, last year when kevin putt was fired it was almost the same, then you see him at training and the next session you dont. We've got a guy from the hurricanes helping out now for the next few weeks till NPC starts, his name is Jonno Philips and he is the Canes' skills coach. The last 2 training sessions we were working on our ground attack skills and i must be totally was mind blowing, i now understand why the kiwi's is just so much better and their rugby. I mean, the things we worked on was just so technical and in the end it makes a big difference if you gonna stay on the same level as a player all your life or if you gonna grow as a player and just keep on adding to your skills arsenal.(sorry, i dunno how to express myself in the way that i feel now and in english! :) ) I am really looking forward to the next couple of weeks and just absorbing all the info as we train!

So the other big news, (it was quite an exciting last few days ) is that the church i'm at now is just so great, it's so alive for God and i wish there were more than just one sunday in a week. This past sunday the service was 2 hours long, but the amazing thing is that you never ever look on your watch and think, ok when is this over?! no, you so invloved in the praise and worship and the actual sermon (dunno if that's the right english word, "preek" is the afrikaans word) is just something that's so applicable to your everyday life. At the end you wanne stay for more!this friday a guy from australia is coming to speak and i were told he is very good, am really looking forward to it.

So Joggies wife, Simone, is a very good cook (trust me, i stayed with them my first week here) and she baked us this choc cake the other w-end. it was sooooo delicious and the icing was just.... it was nice!! here is a pic to show the thick icing!

i've got my own laptop now (things are really so much cheaper here) and my broadband is finally up and running so hopefully there will be more updates regulary!

You all have a good week!

PS. For those who wants to leave a comment at the bottom of this post here goes: click on "0 comments" then on your right you register on to get a username and then you can leave a comment by using your username. even chantel got this so common guys! :)

Am just joking my love! :)

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