Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Kava and gigantic windmills....

Helllloooooo everybody!
okay, well in the last post i left a little clue on what in this post will be and here it is.....kava. it is a traditional fijian drink made from the roots of a plant ( dunno what plant) and it tastes and looks like mud! it's non-alcoholic and it's not a drug or anything, but it tastes awfull! in the pic you can see it being prepared and it doesnt look good does it? i had like 3 glasses of it and it was okay, but i dont know if i'll include that in my list of things to drink! if you want more info on the plant itself just google it.
on saturday our club played in another town just outside palmie and it was close to the windmill farms here in manawatu, so i decided to go have a look at this huge windmills, and was it something to see! it is absolutely ernomous! apperently there is a place on the other side of palmie where you can go on a trail up the mountain and go like stand next to one of the things. would really like to do that on a off w-end. on top of the windmill there is a computer that capture the windspeed and -direction and it rotates the blades so there will be maximum usage of the wind.
i got my own landline installed today but now the broadband will only be activated next week. it's so frustrated cause i wanne start surfing and post more pics but i'll have to wait a few more days!
congrats to all my buddies back in durban that made the sharks training currie cup squad, rudi and robbie i know off, dunno if there is more players in but i only know of those 2! well done and i hope we'll play each other in next year's super 14! ha ha! :)
another update will follow by the w-end or maybe early next week!
i still cant play because of my ribs but it's getting better and i started running without too much pain!
you all have a good w-end and dont forget to attend church on sunday!

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