Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Price converting

I've always heard that you should never compare prices and convert them back to your currency back home when you overseas, cause it doesnt work like that and you should work with your current currency and spend money according to your salary that you earn in that particular foreign country.

Now i know why, cause the other day i paid R16 for a cucumber and R24 for a pineapple, when you buying meat, you'll pay R60/kg for chicken breasts and R45/kg for topside mince, the price for steaks/fish is more or less the same. Groceries in general aint that expensive, you get the odd few things which you'll think twice about before buying,but its not too bad.

Now when you fill up your car, thats another story, cause here we pay $1.70 per liter petrol, thats R7,36/liter!! ok, se we dont have to drive far to get to certain places like back in SA, but still....

Shoes are much cheaper here when you convert them back, i had to buy myself new boots and it cost me R680 where in SA it will cost me R900 and more. Clothes are also cheaper and here things work the right way around meaning that in the winter, there are specials/savings/sales on winter clothing, not summer clothing and vice versa! Technology is also so much more advanced and cheaper here, local phone calls are FREE and internet is FAST and CHEAP!

I'm enjoying my stay here in NZ, i cant express it in the right ways, i guess you have to experience it yourself to fully understand!

anyway,this was just a short extra info post!

hope you all well!


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