Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Once upon a time, an Argentinean, a kiwi and a japie went to look for snow. Only the japie has never seen snow before, so this journey was especially exciting for him. They were away for days and when they finally returned, no one believe them that they actually reached the snow covered mountains. This pictures are their evidence!!
haha, i went to see snow for the first time in my entire life yesterday and it was an absolute fantastic experience!! it was freezing cold, but the scenery was very beautiful!
This past thursday also marked a "new something" in my life, but i wont be telling what it is, only that it's been something i've wanted to do for a long time now, and i finally started! I'm loving every moment of it!
have a blessed week and remember that in today's circumstances, it requires us to sometimes stand back from everything that's going on around us, and just give praise to the Holy One who created us and let us not forget Him!


Anonymous said...

Hello my love! Gosh the pics are really amazing and its WOW! I wish I could have been there with you! So whats the "new something?" I miss you and love you lots! Thinking of you for this weeks game... Love you so much! Your girl xx Mwah!

Anonymous said...

Hello??? Whats the news? Love your girl xxx Mwah!

Anonymous said...

Hello bertus.

yeah, come on, tell us, whats the new thing????

We are sooooooooo curious....
