Sunday, August 13, 2006


For the first time in the history of this blogsite of me, i dont know how to start a post or even a title for it. I am at a lost for words people. I'm angry and embarrassed at myself, disappointed, hurt, play like we played yesterday against tasman, hurts very deep and for me personally, i'm disappointed cause i know the potential of our team is far better than yesterday. After our gutsy performance against auckland 2 weeks ago, we looked like a team that didnt wanne play any rugby. the mood in the changeroom afterwards was somber and the plane trip back was even longer. but as they say, its water under the bridge and we can only look forward. One thing we learnt from this w-end is that at this level you have to bring your best game every w-end otherwise you'll get thumped!
As you can see on the previous post, Nelson is on the top op the south island and Blenheim is very close to it. The tasman area is wine country and there were rows and rows of vineyard as we drove from the airport to blenheim. It's the part of NZ that gets the most sun. On every road trip we have a special "tour guide" that collects info from the place we touring and this w-end's guide was kempy, our reserve hooker (he's in the 2nd pic with mic) so any info bout blenheim/tasman thats wrong, all his fault, not mine!! :)
The first pic is the "baggage collection" at the blenheim airport. It's very small and we just took our bags of the truck that collected it from the plane directly.
3rd pic is the guys relaxing in the team room before the game. we had to check out od our roms at 11am and had to wait/relax/sleep in the team room till 1:15pm. it wasnt the ideal preparation for the game, but our performance cannot be blamed on that.
Well, i was up early on this beautifull sunday morning in palmy, off to recovery now (swimming and stuff) and i dont know after that. Am so looking forward to church tonite, it's like the highlight of my week. have a good w-end you all!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your winger not holding onto that pass with the try line open at only 10-0 down and then those last 3 minutes of the first half seemed to be the turning point hey - didn't have the possession in the 2nd half to make the most of the strong wind and Tasman were always gonna run it from everywhere into the wind and had a big enough lead to take a few risks which came off. they had some classy backs - although your argentinian fullback will have bragging rights on running Rico Gear down from behind! maybe having another home game next week will bring the best out again... cheers, Tom