Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Now that was close....

hello everyone!!
this past weekend i had my first experience with an earthquake without even realising/feeling it whatsoever! yip, it's true ladies and gentlemen, the centre of the earthquake was about 15km from palmy and it was on sunday nite at 18:55! it registered 3,9 on the richterscale! now, no need to panic, i'm still okay and the batmobile doesnt have a scratch on it, so everything is fine down here, thanks for being concern though! i guess if they never mentioned it on the radio the next day, i wouldnt have known about the earthquake anyway. here's a link to the quake's details and stuff, very interesting...http://www.geonet.org.nz/x2639172g_l.html
i was thinking this morning that in 2 days time, it's gonna be 3 weeks before i fly back to SA and one, i dont know whether i'll be able to keep on updating this blog and two, i cant believe how fast this year is gone by. i must admit, this has been one heck of a season and i loved every minute of it, all the things i experienced, new places i saw, people i met, friends i've made and setting structures in place for my future....it's been one good journey i tell you and i only realises looking back now, how blessed and fortunate i really am.
"Time sneaks up on you like a windscreen on a bug" John Lithgow

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