Sunday, October 08, 2006

Back to business....

i'm very honest in writing the following cause i wouldnt be able to lie about this.......BUT this has been the most laziest, boring, not-doing-much-actually-nothing-at-all week of 2006! it was so strange not to get up in the morning and pack your bag and go to the Sport Institute and spent your day there training, analyzing or just hanging around in between sessions. i must admit, i didnt know what to do with myself during this week, although i did spent about 10 hours fighting in World War 2 and also catching up on my sniper skills. actually, i only did what my psychologist told me to do.....take a mental break away from the game!! haha!! the weather also didnt come to the party and i was literally confined to being indoors the whole week!
oraait, so this coming monday it's back to gym and some light training. i'm itching to get exercising again cause i find myself to feel very "unhealthy" when i'm not active. i'll be looking at various ways of cardio training like mountain bike riding, squash, more basketball and the best and most efficient i believe of all will be golf!! (weather permitting of course!).
As you can see, not much exciting news here from palmy! have a blessed week, chin up, work hard but play harder. remember, we dont stop playing cause we grow old, we grow old cause we stop playing! :)

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