Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The bench woes continues....

Hallo everyone!
It seems to me that during the latter part of 2006 i was meant to be sitting on the bench the whole time! It just turns out that maybe i'm a good impact player like Bobby Skinstad!! Haha only joking boys and girls! A friend of mine from church runs the basketball league up at massey university and i asked him if it would be possible for me to come play socially with them. I ended up sitting on the bench for his team last nite in their final league round robin game before the play offs next week (hence the title for this post). They already qualified for the play off's and the other players didnt mind me being on the "bench". It was so much fun and i so badly wanted to score an "official basketball point", but it never happened. i was so bad when i came on that after a while i noticed that they never passed me the ball when we were on attack and shooting for the loop. I was actually laughing so much cause i sucked! it's okay though, i was having a blinder of a nite on defense though and that made up for the missing shots (yip, i missed like 5 easy shots), but hey, you cant be good in everything! :) haha just joking!
Today's also the new start of my "diet". I've been having a real good feast the last few weeks indulging in some nice food and that let to me gaining just a few unwanted pounds. The main reason is that the last few games i was on the bench, but you still had to eat like you were playing a full game, cause you never knew how many minutes you could end up playing, and although we had extra fitness sessions, it's just not the same. BUT it's okay, nothing i cant handle and it's actually an exciting couple of weeks ahead!
For those of you who dont know yet....I'm getting married on the 24th February 2007 to the prettiest, funniest, most companionable, smartest, most perfect woman ever in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!! yay!! so be happy for me and tell everyone you know! (there is only a limited number of seats available for the wedding and right now we are selling them for R500 pp so hurry and get yourself a seat! haha just joking!! )


Anonymous said...

Hi Bertus, seems like congratulations are in order everywhere, first and foremost for your forthcoming marriage and also for your two year resign for the Turbos-Rodney had better watch his spot with the Hurricans. Next season will be a new ball game and I hope the new Mrs Mulder enjoys "Palmy"as much as you do.Tanya keeps me up to date on your comings and goings but I still enjoy your up-dates and the photos are great. Bob

Bertus and Chantelle said...

Hello Bob. Thanks for the compliments and i'm sure chantelle will like palmy as much! 2007 is gonna be a big year at the turbo's and i'm gonna have to work hard during the off season to make the turbo's no8 jersey my own and then i'll give rodney a go! :)Hopefully i'll meet you when i come visit tom and tanya before i go back to SA!

Anonymous said...

sjoe, maar jy se darem oulike goed van daai oulike meisie van jou!!! ek het al vir haar gese, maar nou kan ek vir jou ook se: geluk!!!! ek sien baie uit, en weet dat julle twee baie gelukkig gaan wees! Hoera, nou kan ek lekker in NZ kom kuier!!!

ek sien uit na desember! mooi bly!