Sunday, October 29, 2006

final days....

Kia Ora!
it's with mixed emotions that i'm entering the last week of my stay here in palmy. Happy to know that i'll be seeing chantelle and family soon, but sad to leave the place that became my new "home town". No other news to tell. Have been playing golf over the weekend (yip, the weather finally cleared up) and been watching some rugby league on sat night (its a whole new concept to me, rugby league, but something i'm starting to enjoy watching). Have a blessed week! There might be something exciting in the pipeline for next year, but i'll officially announced that later on! Cheers!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Latest update!

hello everyone!
So the latest update is the following.....
there is no update! haha
enjoy yr w-end!

Friday, October 20, 2006


Whats up everyone?!

i wouldve thought that after my earthquake experience this past monday, my post would be full of concerning comments asking whether i'm okay and stuff, but i guess i was wrong.

anyway, we had our End-of-Year Function for the Turbo's last night and it was nice to see all the boys again after the 2 week lay off. We are officially back training this coming wednesday and it should be fun what Hammer has in store for us. (he's our fitness trainer) We also got presented with our match jersey last night and hopefully it's the first of many turbo's jerseys to come! This weekend sees the final of the Air New Zealand Cup between wellington and waikato and also the second test between the kangaroos and the kiwi's in the land of Oz.

Now if you dont know what's happening in the above picture, let me give you a hint....look at what hat this guy is wearing on the operating table, now who agrees that he's chances of walking out there alive is very slim?
have a good weekend all of my fellow earth people, go to church on Sunday, let go and rest our for next week!

for those who wants to know what my special thing is, i'm starting today by putting cryptic clues into my post's as to what it is i'm doing! :)
(allrighty, i'm just joking bout my opening sentence, by now you should all know that as soon as i start typing this post's of mine, sarcasm is at the order of the day, not always but sometimes, love you all and enjoy da weekend! )

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Now that was close....

hello everyone!!
this past weekend i had my first experience with an earthquake without even realising/feeling it whatsoever! yip, it's true ladies and gentlemen, the centre of the earthquake was about 15km from palmy and it was on sunday nite at 18:55! it registered 3,9 on the richterscale! now, no need to panic, i'm still okay and the batmobile doesnt have a scratch on it, so everything is fine down here, thanks for being concern though! i guess if they never mentioned it on the radio the next day, i wouldnt have known about the earthquake anyway. here's a link to the quake's details and stuff, very interesting...
i was thinking this morning that in 2 days time, it's gonna be 3 weeks before i fly back to SA and one, i dont know whether i'll be able to keep on updating this blog and two, i cant believe how fast this year is gone by. i must admit, this has been one heck of a season and i loved every minute of it, all the things i experienced, new places i saw, people i met, friends i've made and setting structures in place for my's been one good journey i tell you and i only realises looking back now, how blessed and fortunate i really am.
"Time sneaks up on you like a windscreen on a bug" John Lithgow

Sunday, October 15, 2006

It's WHO you know....

Hello everyone! isnt it nice when you have friends that
is friends with famous people and sometimes the perks of being friends with famous people rubs off onto you who are friends with friends that is friends with famous people??!!!
haha okay, now that i have your attention after that rather interesting paragraph, i have been a friend of this guy for like nearly 13 years and he has been dating this girl for almost a thousand days (oraait, 961 days to be exact) and she is also his fiance now after he proposed to her in the beginning of this year ( 20th january 2006 for those who wants finer details) so they have been engaged for 268 days and will get married in 55 days (on the 9th December 2006) They have also been friends with Jennifer Aniston and Tom Cruise for some time now and the 4 of them caught up recently in London (thats where the photo above were taken). Jurgens and carma decided to travel the world before they settle down after their wedding and their journey took them to London where Jurgens is working at a company in the finance department and Carma is a Occupational Therapist at one of the leading private hospitals in London (she treats famous patients there and thats how she got to know Jen and Tom). i must tell you, for people who knows a lot of celebrities, jurgens and carma are very down to earth friends and they never distinguish between their normal friends and their famous friends. Jurgens is a character on his own and he's had his fair share of "trouble" over the years. I know he was almost sued by craig davidson for copying his running style en i also know that he has been the victim of crime once.....his one crutch was stolen during "new year's" of 2004 (after a grueling knee operation 2 weeks earlier he was very dependable on his crutches for aiding him in walking). Carma on the other hand has been the more responsible one of the two. She's been involved in only one fight her whole life and that was the fight for her fiance. You see, back at varsity she was in competition with a gay guy to see who can get jurgens first (we wont mention any names), but as all good love stories go, jurgens got to carma first and it was love at first sight! After making a few phone calls to the Scorpions (just to make sure there's no skeletons in any closets) i can confirm that they have so much in common and will be an exemplar of married life for the next generation! Here's a toast to wonderfull friends!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Back to business....

i'm very honest in writing the following cause i wouldnt be able to lie about this.......BUT this has been the most laziest, boring, not-doing-much-actually-nothing-at-all week of 2006! it was so strange not to get up in the morning and pack your bag and go to the Sport Institute and spent your day there training, analyzing or just hanging around in between sessions. i must admit, i didnt know what to do with myself during this week, although i did spent about 10 hours fighting in World War 2 and also catching up on my sniper skills. actually, i only did what my psychologist told me to do.....take a mental break away from the game!! haha!! the weather also didnt come to the party and i was literally confined to being indoors the whole week!
oraait, so this coming monday it's back to gym and some light training. i'm itching to get exercising again cause i find myself to feel very "unhealthy" when i'm not active. i'll be looking at various ways of cardio training like mountain bike riding, squash, more basketball and the best and most efficient i believe of all will be golf!! (weather permitting of course!).
As you can see, not much exciting news here from palmy! have a blessed week, chin up, work hard but play harder. remember, we dont stop playing cause we grow old, we grow old cause we stop playing! :)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

More team photo's!

here are some more photo's of the team day after our last game. i think there were a few guys that got up with a headache the next day! :)

The bench woes continues....

Hallo everyone!
It seems to me that during the latter part of 2006 i was meant to be sitting on the bench the whole time! It just turns out that maybe i'm a good impact player like Bobby Skinstad!! Haha only joking boys and girls! A friend of mine from church runs the basketball league up at massey university and i asked him if it would be possible for me to come play socially with them. I ended up sitting on the bench for his team last nite in their final league round robin game before the play offs next week (hence the title for this post). They already qualified for the play off's and the other players didnt mind me being on the "bench". It was so much fun and i so badly wanted to score an "official basketball point", but it never happened. i was so bad when i came on that after a while i noticed that they never passed me the ball when we were on attack and shooting for the loop. I was actually laughing so much cause i sucked! it's okay though, i was having a blinder of a nite on defense though and that made up for the missing shots (yip, i missed like 5 easy shots), but hey, you cant be good in everything! :) haha just joking!
Today's also the new start of my "diet". I've been having a real good feast the last few weeks indulging in some nice food and that let to me gaining just a few unwanted pounds. The main reason is that the last few games i was on the bench, but you still had to eat like you were playing a full game, cause you never knew how many minutes you could end up playing, and although we had extra fitness sessions, it's just not the same. BUT it's okay, nothing i cant handle and it's actually an exciting couple of weeks ahead!
For those of you who dont know yet....I'm getting married on the 24th February 2007 to the prettiest, funniest, most companionable, smartest, most perfect woman ever in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!! yay!! so be happy for me and tell everyone you know! (there is only a limited number of seats available for the wedding and right now we are selling them for R500 pp so hurry and get yourself a seat! haha just joking!! )

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Last Team Day of 2006!!

Hi all!
We had a team day on friday morning after our game and had to dress up to represent the "mini teams" of the squad!