Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Thanks Jurgens.....

yes i love chantel (my girlfriend) very much and i cant wait to see her again but i had to mention my friend's name in the title cause........he was the first person to post a comment on my very own blog! thanks a million bossie, that just made my day!! sweet!
it's been almost 3 weeks now and like in my last posting i am still loving this place called palmie. you just sort of grow into the relaxed atmosphere and laidback kinda feeling you get from this town.
it's the first time i left my boots and takkies outside to dry and it was still there the following morning, the first time i left my car open with my cellphone on the seat while i quickly popped into the shop, the first time that after a movie you take your trash out with you and throw it in a bin yourself,the first time where i dont pay for ATM transactions, and the first time i played on a field so muddy and wet that you sink away ankle deep in the grass and mud. but it's been all fun and games!
so the rainy training session is something of the past now and rain has become something very common now, in the begining i was like, cool yeah, get dvd's and hot choc and get back in bed, but that's only fun for the first two or three times and then you have to go out and run in the rain and fall in the mud and then it's just not that cool anymore. but you get accustomed to it and eventualy the wet clothes and boots dont bother you anymore.
for those who want more pic's, i am really sorry, i will try get some on this w-end, some pic's of my club and stuff like that!
keep on reading boys and girls and keep that comments coming!
PS. If you dont read this post in a open-minded, sarcasticly kinda way then some stuff might be offensive, one thing that i'm very serious about is my meisie, chantel, lief vir jou!

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