Thursday, May 25, 2006

2 weeks and counting...

Hello everyone!
for those who reads this blog regulary i am sorry for the long wait for a new update, i know it's been long ovedue but i'm only settling down now and getting rustig, so i've got more time on my hands for admin ya know!!
it's been 2 weeks today that i have officialy been overseas and i must say, i'm loving it! yeah i know it's my first trip and everything will be nice cause i cant compare this to previous trips but ya all know what........? i'm still loving it!
the weather has been quite surprisingly nice and i still havent had my first raining training session, not that i'm looking forward to it, but i've heard so many stories you know that i'm keen for it to happen now. training has been good, it's just a different ball game down here. for those who is quite hooked up on rugby,down under there is other aspects of the game you need to concentrate on eg. holding on to the ball in contact,looking for the offload in contact,turnover in tackle,that kind of stuff. not that it's not happening back in SA,but here it's just on another level. i think after a season here i would've definetly grown as a player even if i'm not at one of the top clubs.
palmie is very much a "laid-back" kinda town and there's not much happening here, i think at the university there might be some more "life" than in town but it all depends on what kind of person you are. i am more than happy to spend some time on the golf course (weather permitting) or watching a movie or just chilling out.
i joined a local church here last sunday and what an experience! It seems that every new church i join is just better than the previous one. not that the previous ones were bad or anything,but i just get more out of the services. i still miss the cell groups we had back in durban, i miss the fellowship and just the relaxed atmosphere in which you could talk about your faith and walk with God. there is cell groups at the church here in palmie, but we training in the evenings and we always finish too late.
I bought myself a 1990 toyota camry for R10 000. cars are very cheap here and it's still in very good condition,it's got aircon,elec windows,automatic, it feels like my corsa was pimped! :)

i have to go, will try keep this blog more updated and can someone PLEASE post a comment at the bottom of this log!

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