Sunday, February 10, 2008

WOW....what a come back!

hello everyone!
so after my year off ( i had to take time off this past year from all my blog entries and focus on life as a married man! I can't believe its been a year already, so much has changed and alot more has stayed the same....i hope!)

there's just something different writing your blogpage than spending time on facebook, checking your mail or watching the latest episode of prison break online! i mean, you get the chance of speaking your mind! something you dont get to do that often these days!
i've been reading some of my posts from 2006 when i started this blog and its amazing how the memories of your journey back then, comes back and remind you of stuff that happened and/or influenced your life. looking back now at how things turned out, i dont know what to say...its cool!

chantelle and i am settling nicely into our new home and adapting to life as "kiwi's" yeah, for those of you who dont know, we have permanent residence in NZ and now we dont need visas or other stuff any more, we can study, have babies and enjoy all the other benefits of a first world country!

i apoligise for jumping all over the place in this blog. i have to rekindle the art of blog writing! :)

i start studies in 2 weeks and rugby starts tomorrow. it should be an exciting year for the TURBOS for we have a Shield challenge against auckland this year! those who dont know the history of it!
have a blessed week and i promise to update more regulary!

Thursday, November 30, 2006


i doubt it that anyone is still reading this blog, but to keep my conscience (spelling???) clear, i'll keep on posting! nothing exciting has been happening the last weeks. it's been training most days and the rest of the day it's been wedding admin and honeymoon admin. now to anyone out there thinking of getting married, just a few words of's alot of hard work!! but i'm sure its worth every minute of it!
no other new exciting news really, looking forward to 7's in george next week, the IRB sevens that is, look out fot the big TURBO banner! haha!
have a blessed weekend! keep emailing me and if you dont have my address, ask!! hehe

Monday, November 20, 2006

back on home soil....

hello to who ever is still reading this post! anyway, it's been one week that i'm back in SA and it's been quite an adjustment for me! as expected i do only have limited internet facilities and the blog page wont be updated as regularly as usuall! have a blessed week!! looking forward to hear from YOU!! :)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The last one...

Hello to all my beloved readers of this blog page. It is with tears in my eyes that i'm typing this very last post from the comfort of my flat's floor. The flat that became my home away from home, my outpost, my barracks, my Osama Bin Laden's cave, my shelter. I'm all packed up and ready to go, all set for the Groot Trek to auckland tomorrow morning. My flat looks empty and nondescript..... BUT I am so looking forward to be spending time in the big city with tom, tanya and the kids! One last week of "holiday" before i head back to Afrique du Sud. Yay!!

Depending on my internet accessibility back in the Republic, i will try my best in keeping this blog page updated! I wish you all a Happy Happy Christmas and a Merry Merry New Year! :)
I'll finish my last post from palmy with a well-known Irish Farewell Blessing:

May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

final days....

Kia Ora!
it's with mixed emotions that i'm entering the last week of my stay here in palmy. Happy to know that i'll be seeing chantelle and family soon, but sad to leave the place that became my new "home town". No other news to tell. Have been playing golf over the weekend (yip, the weather finally cleared up) and been watching some rugby league on sat night (its a whole new concept to me, rugby league, but something i'm starting to enjoy watching). Have a blessed week! There might be something exciting in the pipeline for next year, but i'll officially announced that later on! Cheers!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Latest update!

hello everyone!
So the latest update is the following.....
there is no update! haha
enjoy yr w-end!

Friday, October 20, 2006


Whats up everyone?!

i wouldve thought that after my earthquake experience this past monday, my post would be full of concerning comments asking whether i'm okay and stuff, but i guess i was wrong.

anyway, we had our End-of-Year Function for the Turbo's last night and it was nice to see all the boys again after the 2 week lay off. We are officially back training this coming wednesday and it should be fun what Hammer has in store for us. (he's our fitness trainer) We also got presented with our match jersey last night and hopefully it's the first of many turbo's jerseys to come! This weekend sees the final of the Air New Zealand Cup between wellington and waikato and also the second test between the kangaroos and the kiwi's in the land of Oz.

Now if you dont know what's happening in the above picture, let me give you a hint....look at what hat this guy is wearing on the operating table, now who agrees that he's chances of walking out there alive is very slim?
have a good weekend all of my fellow earth people, go to church on Sunday, let go and rest our for next week!

for those who wants to know what my special thing is, i'm starting today by putting cryptic clues into my post's as to what it is i'm doing! :)
(allrighty, i'm just joking bout my opening sentence, by now you should all know that as soon as i start typing this post's of mine, sarcasm is at the order of the day, not always but sometimes, love you all and enjoy da weekend! )